Posted by bethhallisy on February 3, 2013 · To comment, email [email protected]
… LIKE FRIENDSHIPS AND THE EXPERIENCE OF COLLEGE, FOR INSTANCE. I read an article recently about the British Museum publishing The History of the World in 100 Objects and it got me thinking about my own top 100 things that have shaped my life—among them, my college experience (@ Bowling Green State University), and […]
Category Blog · Tags BGSU, Bowling Green, friend, friendship, Greg, Joan, John, leader, learn, life, New York Times, photo, RA, resident advisor, Reunion, Senge, stepdaughter, team
Posted by bethhallisy on February 1, 2013 · To comment, email [email protected]
If I must write, and I must, why not a blog? It’s what all the self-absorbed are doing now. And I need the writing practice. Vince Lombardi supposedly said something to the effect that “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.” I’ll shoot for that. Now, there’s some pressure. Unlike most bloggers, […]
Category Blog · Tags aging, bitch, Blog, Cade, colleague, column, dog, friend, grandchildren, husband, Lombardi, nephew, niece, point of view, Roxy, sibling, stepchildren, Tom, writing